Cell C cuts data rates again

By Staff Writer 9 April 2013

Cell C is up to it again, making fresh cuts to its data rates. FULL STORY >


Vodacom extends availability of LTE services

By Staff Writer 25 March 2013

Vodacom finally extends access to its LTE services beyond the scope of contract customers. FULL STORY >


MTN reduces its mobile data bundle rates

By Staff Writer 4 March 2013

MTN South Africa has slashed its mobile data bundle rates, making it more affordable for its subscribers to stay connected to the web. FULL STORY >


12 elements to consider when moving to the cloud

By Staff Writer 11 February 2013

Roelof Louw, cloud expert at T-Systems in South Africa, believes there are 12 elements that should be considered to ensure the security of both data and applications when moving to a cloud platform. FULL STORY >


Cell C offers 100 GB for R2500

By Staff Writer 29 November 2012

Cell C is at it again, this time launching its 100 GB SIM-only any-time data promotion, just in time for the festive season. The cost? A very decent R2 500 once-off - less than 3c per MB. FULL STORY >


MTN offers free data on selected internet bundles

By Ryan Noik 9 November 2012

MTN has launched its Mahala Data promotion, which sees users of its 10 MB and 75 MB packages receiving extra data at no additional cost. FULL STORY >


Vodacom LTE coverage expanded

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 November 2012

Vodacom expands its LTE coverage area and makes a few new LTE-enabled devices available for sale. FULL STORY >


Rapid rise in data poses challenges for SA businesses

By Staff Writer 30 October 2012

Royden Volans at Lightstone believes it is critical for companies to put strategies in place in order to ensure they are managing and addressing their data needs. FULL STORY >


Vodacom launches LTE services in South Africa

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 October 2012

Vodacom has officially switched its LTE service on and made it commercially available. FULL STORY >


Cell C announces GigaNite bundles

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 October 2012

Cell C unveils its latest data bundle offer, dubbed GigaNite, offering contract subscribers cheaper data rates from midnight to 6am. FULL STORY >


C and V Summit 2012 to tackle virtualised data centres

By Staff Writer 11 September 2012

The challenges of virtualised data centres is but one of the topics up for discussion at the 3rd annual Cloud and Virtualisation Africa Summit. FULL STORY >


Quick review - Xyfi Wi-Fi and 3G router

By Staff Writer 7 September 2012

Belgian company Option's Xyfi 3G router is now available locally, bringing connectivity in a small package. FULL STORY >


Mobile data - costs for October 2012

By Ryan Noik 4 September 2012

With the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets, and the vast majority of users in South Africa relying on mobile connections to access the internet, for many, data usage has become even more important than voice or SMS services. FULL STORY >


Nashua Mobile extends Xtreme Data service

By Ryan Noik 13 August 2012

Nashua Mobile has unveiled plans to extend access to its Xtreme Data service to more Nokia devices, as well as launched a premium version of the service. FULL STORY >


Cell C drops standard data tariff to 15 c per MB

By Staff Writer 1 August 2012

Cell C decreases its standard data rate to a low 15 cent per MB. FULL STORY >

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