Stellenbosch University's three-year-old data school already a world leader

By Press Release 28 April 2022

When Stellenbosch University (SU) launched its School for Data Science and Computational Thinking in July 2019, it expressed the hope that the new entity would become a world-class institution. Not even three years... FULL STORY >


MIT honour for SU’s Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation

By Press Release 9 March 2022

The Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) at Stellenbosch University (SU) recently received international acclaim when its work on identifying and tracking Covid-19 variants was listed as one of the 10 technological... FULL STORY >


Amazon research award for SU computer science student

By Press Release 25 May 2021

Mr David Baker Effendi, an MSc-student in Computer Sciences at Stellenbosch University (SU), has received an Amazon Research Award based on his innovative research in program analysis with applications in bug-finding and cybersecurity. FULL STORY >


Do people use digital media as much as they think they do?

By Staff Writer 18 May 2021

Self-reported media use does not accurately reflect objective measures of device-logged media use. FULL STORY >


Accurate quantification of cell dynamics possible with new software tool

By Staff Writer 1 April 2021

Engineers and scientists from Stellenbosch University have developed a visualisation tool that can automatically localise and quantify specific cellular processes such as mitochondrial fission and fusion – and that in... FULL STORY >


Large-scale production of high-performance additively manufactured cellular structures now a reality

By Press Release 1 February 2021

In a comprehensive review article published in the high-impact journal Materials Science and Engineering R recently, a group of international researchers argue that our knowledge-base has... FULL STORY >


Uber Movement now available in Cape Town

By Press Release 1 November 2019

Uber is proud to have officially launched Uber Movement in Cape Town this week at the Launch lab at stellenbosch University. FULL STORY >

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