By 1 November 2010 | Categories: news


Telkom yesterday announced its new SAIX Lite ADSL offering, promising to provide consumers with more competitive ADSL bandwidth prices, MyBroadBand reported.

The Lite offering is about half the price per-GB as Telkom's wholesale per-GB price at the moment, bringing the new offering on par with more affordable ISP's such as Afrihost, Cybersmart and Axxess.
To date ISP's that utilised the Internet Solutions infrastructure (which includes Seacom) have been able to offer much more competitive prices than those reliant on Telkom's SAIX infrastructure. SAIX Lite aims to remedy this by offering lower prices, with price points from as low as R30 to R20 per GB expected.
Some concerns have been raised regarding the performance of these accounts since it is speculated that the new SAIX Lite traffic will be de-prioritised during peak periods or when the ADSL network is running at high capacity.
No feedback has been received regarding the performance of the lines thus far, but further details regarding pricing should surface in the following weeks.


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