By 23 October 2015 | Categories: news


There is rich irony in writing a story about Assassin’s Creed, only to have Google ask if you want it to kill the pages or wait. Killing, and waiting for opportune moments have become hallmarks of Assassin’s Creed games and judging from our very brief hands on time with the game so far, it looks like we will be doing plenty of each in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate.

The game may be set in Victorian Era London at the start of the industrial revolution, but one of the overarching themes it explores - the gap between the rich and those struggling to survive - is still woefully relevant.  

The latest launch trailer is narrated by one of the twins, the no holds barred Jacob Frye, who along with his sister, Evie has his sights set on ending oppression and taking back London.  

The trailer also begs a few important questions: Will Evie get her own launch trailer? Who is the man in the devil mask? And how on earth does Jacob keep his top hat on when jumping from a building?


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