By 29 July 2016 | Categories: News


Although Mel Gibson is now most notable for his anti-semitic and sexist remarks, he was once an award winning actor and director. Hacksaw Ridge, sees Gibson return to the latter, as he directs Andrew Garfield as a WWII army medic trying to survive the Battle of Okinawa.  

Hitting cinemas in November this year (United Kingdom), the film is surprisingly being tipped for numerous nominations during the upcoming awards season. What makes the story of Private Desmond T. Doss (Garfield's character in the film) so significant, is that he refuses to use a weapon. As such, he's not trusted by his fellow men. 

Billed as a wartime epic, only time will tell if Hacksaw Ridge will be viewed in the same company as saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now or Jarhead. 


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