By 11 August 2015 | Categories: news


It has been a solid week of Tomb Raider related news, and if you are hunting for more snippets, you’re in luck – another new Rise of the Tomb Raider trailer has been unveiled.

This one shows Lara living up to her name and actually raiding a tomb, as well as Crystal Dynamics living up to their promise and including more complex ancient ruins to plunder.

The tomb shown, replete with environmental and platforming puzzles, is a far cry from the first game’s puzzle room tombs, which were much smaller, and self-contained. While fun, these didn’t quite convey the excitement of discovering an edifice lost in time, or boast so many remains of the former occupants/unlucky treasure hunters.

The latest trailer also shows that Lara has lost none of her disaster-magnet appeal. In the space of ten minutes, she somehow manages to survive a truck crash, being shot at by helicopters, almost drowning and having the grounds of a dilapidated temple crumble beneath her feet. This, while being pursued by goons armed to the teeth. And yes, you would be forgiven for getting the unshakeable impression that she and Nathan Drake would get along really well, and could well compare their array of near-death experiences.

Suffice to say, this trailer is a doozy. If you are anything like us, it will either have you celebrating the Xbox One occupying your living room, becrying that PS fans still have a year to wait, or possibly even looking for a crowbar with which to crank open your wallet and hand your money over to Microsoft come November.


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