By 15 March 2017 | Categories: News


The Matrix, which changed the way sci-fi and action films were made after it debuted in 1999, is reportedly getting a reboot. This according to The Hollywood Reporter (THR), which has it on good authority that Warner Bros. has a new version of the film in the works.  

THR's sources say the project is still in the embryonic stages of development, but the studio has apparently earmarked Michael B. Jordan (Fantastic Four, Creed) to play the iconic lead role of Neo. 

While we're big fans of Jordan, who will be featuring in the upcoming Black Panther movie, our more immediate concern is the fact that The Wachowskis are not tied to the project in any way, shape or form. Part of the original film's success had much to do with their vision, so having another director try and interpret that could be a recipe for disaster. Exactly why a reboot of such an iconic film is needed, also remains unclear. 

In much the same way that one cannot help but stare when passing a car crash, it should be interesting to see what WB conjures up for the reboot.


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