Music to soothe the savage soul

By Ryan Noik 17 February 2015

Game soundtracks are often ideal accompaniments for the working day, particularly those where providing sweeping orchestral music has been lifted to an artform. Below are a pick of five of the best soundtracks that you may wish to add to your working life. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The New Trailers edition

By Ryan Noik 7 December 2012

This week in the Gaming News Round-up: Crysis 3 is dated, while new trailers are released for DMC Devil May Cry and Company of Heroes 2. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The Bumper Mixed Bag edition

By Ryan Noik 26 October 2012

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: New DLC is announced for Dishonored, Resident Evil 6 and Darksiders 2 while a Bioshock puzzle game is announced. FULL STORY >


Darksiders 2

By Ryan Noik 3 September 2012

It is Death that leads the charge in Darksiders 2, ironically, breathing new life into the franchise. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - Blast boredom away edition

By Ryan Noik 3 August 2012

This week in the Gaming News Round-up: the last two CoD: Modern Warfare 3 season content packs are revealed and new single player DLC is detailed for Mass Effect 3. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - part 2 - Highs and lows edition

By Staff Writer 3 February 2012

In part 2 of this weeks Gaming News Round-up the local release titles for the PlayStation Vita are revealed, Darksiders 2 is confirmed for June and Mega Man and Pacman will appear in Street Fighter X Tekken. FULL STORY >


Darksiders sequel arriving later than expected

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 November 2010

THQ will be releasing its follow up to the successful Darksiders game at least a year later than originally anticipated. FULL STORY >

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