New research shows iOS platform of choice for mobile gamers

By Ryan Noik 7 May 2012

According to a new report, iOS games are grossing five times more profit than their Android counterparts in the US. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Vita comes out swinging

By Ryan Noik 29 February 2012

The PlayStation Vita has racked up impressive sales, exceeding 1.2 million units worldwide since its global launch on the 22nd of February. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - part 2 - Highs and lows edition

By Staff Writer 3 February 2012

In part 2 of this weeks Gaming News Round-up the local release titles for the PlayStation Vita are revealed, Darksiders 2 is confirmed for June and Mega Man and Pacman will appear in Street Fighter X Tekken. FULL STORY >


Latest update for PS3 coming this week

By Ryan Noik 30 November 2011

In preparation for the launch of the PlayStation Vita in a few months time, Sony announced this week that the latest software update for the PS3 will be released during the course of this week. FULL STORY >


The arguments for and against portable consoles

By Ryan Noik 31 October 2011

With the impending launch of the PlayStation Vita in a few months and a number of new games on the way for the Nintendo 3DS, we take a look at whether there is still space for dedicated handhelds in a tablet world. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - Double O edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 September 2011

This week in the Gaming News Round-up Activision unveils its plans for a special PlayStation Move bundle edition of its upcoming GoldenEye 007: Reloaded and the first official Max Payne 3 trailer is released. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Vita will include social media apps

By Ryan Noik 17 August 2011

Sony has announced that its forthcoming new portable console will have dedicated apps for social media networks. FULL STORY >

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