Cybersecurity and cyber resilience – the integrated components of a robust cyber risk management strategy

By Industry Contributor 18 October 2024

By Graham Brown, Country Manager at Commvault SA/SADC FULL STORY >


Beyond ransomware - Navigating the perils of cyber extortion

By Industry Contributor 17 October 2024

Doros Hadjizenonos, Regional Director at Fortinet, explains why businesses must adapt their defences to protect against the growing threat of cyber extortion as cyber criminals change tactics. FULL STORY >


Unsupervised Device Sharing with Children Raises Alarm for Security Teams

By Staff Writer 16 October 2024

Ameera Cassoojee, Cybersecurity Specialist at Cisco, explains the perils of sharing work devices with one’s children and unpacks the steps security teams can take to mitigate risks amidst increased hybrid work and low... FULL STORY >


Strengthening the digital defence line with cybersecurity awareness

By Industry Contributor 14 October 2024

By Shaun Gordon, Chief Security Officer at Duxbury Networking FULL STORY >


Six tips to keep your kids safe while gaming online

By Industry Contributor 11 October 2024

Emmanuel Tzingakis from Trend Micro warns that with over 95% of kids in South Africa regularly accessing the internet, the potential for them to engage in risky online behavior is significant – and explains what parents can do. FULL STORY >


The hidden backbone of modern business - Understanding Operational Technology and its critical role in cybersecurity

By Staff Writer 11 October 2024

Fortinet’s Martin Fernandes explains why OT is the unsung hero in our modern life, powering everything from the factories that produce our food to the smart devices in our... FULL STORY >


Data centre security: How operators in Africa can protect their infrastructure

By Industry Contributor 9 October 2024

By Peter Dempsey, EMEA Key Account Manager & Data Centre Lead at Axis Communications FULL STORY >


Find the balance for GenAI usage in the workplace or risk security threats, warns Kaspersky

By Staff Writer 2 October 2024

Kaspersky explains why Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools are quickly becoming an integral part of the modern work environment and what businesses need to know to respond accordingly. FULL STORY >


Huawei Cloud Helps Customers Achieve More Trustworthy Services

By Staff Writer 27 September 2024

Huawei Cloud ensures the trustworthiness of its products and provides trustworthiness capabilities through full-stack services and solutions to help customers achieve trustworthiness in terms of security, privacy, resilience,... FULL STORY >


Kaspersky detects over 1 million daily tracking attempts

By Staff Writer 27 September 2024

Kaspersky's latest analysis of the 25 most prevalent web tracking services, including Google services, New Relic and Microsoft, has revealed over 38 billion instances of web trackers collecting user behaviour data in 2024, with an average... FULL STORY >


Alarming Surge in AI-Driven Cybercrime in the first half of 2024

By Staff Writer 19 September 2024

Trend Micro Incorporated has warned that threat actors have bounced back from recent law enforcement efforts to unleash a new wave of attacks leveraging AI and other techniques. FULL STORY >


South Africa has an opportunity to strengthen its national cyber security strategy

By Industry Contributor 13 September 2024

Mandy Duncan from HPE Aruba explains why the risks associated with an increasingly digital economy need to be addressed with practical actions - and what can be done. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky discovers a new cyberespionage campaign in the Middle East by Tropic Trooper APT

By Staff Writer 5 September 2024

Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) has discovered a new Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) campaign carried out by the Tropic Trooper group. FULL STORY >


Give your mobile devices and computer the spring cleaning they deserve

By Staff Writer 2 September 2024

Kaspersky has offered some tips for giving mobile devices a proper spring cleaning that will not only boost their performance but also improve their security. FULL STORY >


Mobile devices can be a major security threat – are you handling this risk effectively?

By Industry Contributor 2 September 2024

By Nemanja Krstić, Operations Manager - Managed Security Services at Galix FULL STORY >

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