By 11 August 2017 | Categories: news


The Nintendo Switch is pretty much the market leader when it comes to tablet/console hybrid gaming. The tablet portion of the offering, however, is under review from gaming hardware maker Gamevice and its Wikipad handheld console

The company is claiming that Nintendo have infringed upon concept patents used in the design of the Wikipad, as well as its controllers. It is the latter which is the true bone of contention, with the WikiPad debuting a pair of detachable controllers back in 2013, and the Switch featuring a similar interface. Along with damages, Gamevice's lawsuit also includes the subsequent ban of the sale of the Nintendo Switch. 

At this stage, Nintendo has not commented on Gamevice's claims, but the timing of the lawsuit is quite peculiar, especially with the Switch having been on sale for quite a few months now. Nevertheless, it should prove interesting to see how this story plays out.


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