By 16 January 2018 | Categories: news


Snapchat’s efforts to rekindle its love affair with users seem to be going rather badly. According to TechCrunch, Snapchat’s redesign is leaving a number of users frustrated, with up to 83% of reviews from the App Store negative. The new redesign has been available in Canada, Australia and the U.K., with only 17% of users leaving between three and five stars.

The redesign has been live since November last year, and was supposed to bring the company back on track for future growth, with investors previously not happy about Snapchat’s performance.

Users’ complaints range from confusion from feeds that are not arranged chronologically, to Stories from advertisers placed between private messages. Upset users who wanted to revert to the old layout were told that it’s not possible to go back to the previous versions.

Competing against Instagram’s Stories, which seems to have done well for the Facebook owned company, Snapchat has struggled to regain the initial enthusiasm from users that pushed it as one of the most important new social networks.

Commenting on the new update Snapchat notes, “Updates as big as this one can take a little getting use to, but we hope the community will enjoy it once they settle in.” Whether or not further updates will take users’ complaints into consideration remains to be seen.


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