By 5 February 2018 | Categories: news


Star Wars, Disney and Marvel are one big happy family now, which means the opportunities for cross-promotional material are endless. One of the latest such ventures is a Marvel-produced comic book series focusing on The Last Jedi.

It is set to be a six part mini series, with the first issue slated to land Stateside on 2 May this year. Marvel has also brought Rogue One screenwriter Gary Whitta in to help bring the adaptation to fruition. It's unclear how much Whitta will be building upon the original story, but it would be nice to find out the backstory of the purple haired Vice Admiral Holdo (played by Laura Dern) or what Maz Kanata (voiced by Lupita Nyong'o) was up to.

Assisting Whitta on the project will be artists Michael Walsh and Mike Spicer, with former Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada also said to be producing a variant cover for the series. With The Last Jedi's storyline ripe for additional lore, this will likely be the first in a wave of comic books that Disney and Marvel collaborate on.


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