Bioware’s Anthem to offer free post game content

By Ryan Noik 3 September 2018

Bioware’s forthcoming Anthem though, appears to being doing something a little different, with the announcement that its post-game content will be free. FULL STORY >


Opinion - SD-WAN: Answering the enterprise question

By Opinion 30 August 2018

The confluence of cloud, big data and compute has ignited demand for SD-WAN in a market hungry for competence and cost efficiency. Réan van Niekerk, Metacom CEO, explains. FULL STORY >


Availability: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity in Africa

By Opinion 24 August 2018

Kate Mollett, regional manager for Africa South at Veeam explains why data availability is critical in an era where data and analytics is key to many businesses' growth. FULL STORY >


Biomutant delayed, but new trailer tempts

By Ryan Noik 24 August 2018

THQ Nordic may have been quiet at E3, but they certainly weren’t at Gamescom, debuting a new trailer for Biomutant. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Five CIO strategies to combat growing IT complexity

By Opinion 20 August 2018

IT complexity is a growing concern for many organisations. Brendan McAravey, Country General Manager, Citrix South Africa explains how to tackle the issue. FULL STORY >


Samsung details new DeX dock offering

By Ryan Noik 13 August 2018

Samsung has released details of its new DeX offering, a dock which marries select smartphones to larger screens. FULL STORY >


FNB introduces payments through Garmin and Fitbit

By Staff Writer 3 August 2018

Shortly after Samsung said that they will work together with Absa to introduce Samsung Pay, FNB went on the offensive. FULL STORY >


The business of Tech from a woman’s point of view

By Press Release 30 July 2018

Only 23% of tech jobs are held by women in South Africa – out of 236 000 ICT (tech) roles, women occupy 56 000 of them. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Mobility could be the best thing your business does this year

By Opinion 26 July 2018

Empowering a mobile workforce can be just as beneficial to your business as it is to your employees. But first you need to make sure you have the right tech in place, says Matthew Hall, Product Director at Rectron. FULL STORY >


Life-saving app, CrashDetech, wins ‘Most Innovative Mobile Application’ award

By Ryan Noik 26 July 2018

Local developers of CrashDetech have received an accolade for Most Innovative Mobile Application from judges at the International Finance Awards this week. FULL STORY >


Artificial intelligence solving African healthcare challenges

By Press Release 23 July 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) could revolutionise healthcare supply chains in Africa, according to supply chain specialist Deborah Dull, representing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. FULL STORY >


Break the Seesaw of Usability and Security

By Opinion 18 July 2018

How can organisations break the seesaw they find themselves on between offering a secure, and yet still user friendly workspace? Brendan McAravey, Country Manager at Citrix South Africa, explains. FULL STORY >


Smart prosthetic ankle comes step closer to market

By Ryan Noik 17 July 2018

A new, smart prosthetic ankle has taken one step forward to becoming a commercial reality. FULL STORY >


AfricaOnline launches JET-Powered Wireless Network to deliver fast broadband in Namibia

By Press Release 12 July 2018

Marc Gregan, MD, AfricaOnline: “We have launched a new 5GHz JET and customer feedback is that they are ecstatic with the 100Mbps they’re getting” FULL STORY >


Drake smashes online streaming record with new album

By Staff Writer 9 July 2018

Drake fans, this is one to be proud of. Billboard reports that the Canadian hip-hop artist’s latest album, Scorpion is the first album ever to hit one billion streams in a single week. FULL STORY >

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