Systems integrator BT-SA is revolutionising the Data Centre environment by offering a truly integrated end-to-end solution. From a small cabling company 30 years ago, BT-SA has evolved as a full-service provider that is now able to install and maintain all aspects of a Data Centre, from cabling to air conditioning, building management and security.
Gartner estimates that the average Data Centre will experience at least 300 percent data growth during the next five years. Exponential growth in demand will place additional burden on storage space, network bandwidth and computation capacity - all while service level demand is rising and regulatory compliance is becoming more stringent.
BT-SA managing director Bertie Strydom says the company works as a unit to deliver a seamless experience to the customer. "Emerging trends in the use of Data Centres, integrating cloud-like services, and the increased need to deliver IT services continuously at minimal risk is driving a new model of Data Centre strategies."
With Data Centre infrastructure now globally the number two CIO investment priority, the need to invest wisely and safely in new server infrastructure is paramount. Organisations are faced with the challenge to choose the right server approach to address both sides of the bi-modal divide. They need to examine technology trends that are shaping the server platforms of tomorrow.
Furthermore, organisations need to consider the strategies of server technology and operating system vendors to ride the waves of change and best practices for choosing the right server for the right workload. Are vendors in the server market evolving their strategies to grow ?
Strydom says new technologies and approaches will be vital to satisfy demand. "Organisations need to look at modernising their Data Centre infrastructure and consider emerging challenges that can be used in harmony with existing Data Centre investments. BT-SA can assist organisations that are looking to modernise their network architecture or address key server and storage issues."
"In addition, we have the skills to deliver a full Data Centre, from the bricks and mortar to the electricity, cabinets, raised flooring, suspended ceiling, precision cooling, environmental monitoring, fire detection and suppression, CCTV and access control," he explains.
The integrated systems market is becoming ever more volatile and unpredictable. The emergence of “hyperconvergence” in 2014 has focused the market on the generational shift that forces established integrated systems, based on blades and SAN storage, to compete with more nimble, out-scale solutions that deploy software-defined storage (SDS) concepts.
Meanwhile, investments in reference architectures are growing, and growing focus on the management software layer will enable commoditisation of the market over time.
BT-SA follows best practices in both consolidation and migration projects, something all IT managers should know in order to succeed.
Strydom points to Data Centre consolidation as a solution to reduce operating costs and improve flexibility. "However, getting those benefits can often rely on the execution of a successful migration from one, or multiple, locations to another. Although the most successful migration projects are supported by proven methodologies, finding the necessary skills to manage these tasks is difficult."
BT-SA has also introduced business specific maintenance plans. Clients can now choose a support plan that suits their business requirements, and more importantly, their budget. This can range from 24-hour standby support or a best-effort response to problems.
"We offer SLAs to maintain and service equipment at regular intervals to ensure that everything is running at optimal capacity, avoiding unexpected surprises in terms of repairs or unplanned downtime. BT-SA can deliver a truly integrated end-to-end solution – from cables to cameras and everything in between," he concludes.
For more information, or email or visit or contact BT-SA on +27 (0)11 314 0601.
Revolutionising data centres
By Staff Writer 1 July 2015 | Categories: Press Release
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