By 17 February 2012 | Categories: news


At the end of last month a Dutch court found that Samsung’s Galaxy Tab is not a copy of Apple’s iPad 2, ruling against Apple’s injunction to ban sales of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the Netherlands. The Cupertino-based tech outfit has however not chosen to wave the white flag in its ongoing patent war against Samsung yet, as it has now filed a new lawsuit against the Korean tech giant. This time round in the US, over alleged patent infringement.  

This latest lawsuit has been filed with the US District Court for the Northern District of California and seeks a court order blocking the sale of the products that Apple says are infringing upon its patents. Apple lists 17 mobile devices in this lawsuit, which includes media players like the Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0, smartphones such as the Galaxy Nexus as well as all US variants of the Galaxy SII, and tablets including the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus and Galaxy Tab 8.9.   
The patents concerned

These devices allegedly infringe upon eight of Apple’s patents dealing with missed call management, slide-to-unlock and data-syncing technology, amongst others. Some of these are patent number 8074172 (also called the '172 patent), that involves a method, system as well as graphical user interface for providing word recommendations, and patent number 8046721 (also known as the '721 patent) which deals with unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlock image.   

“Samsung has systematically copied Apple’s innovative technology and products, features, and designs, and has deluged markets with infringing devices in an effort to usurp market share from Apple,” Cupertino’s complaint reads. "Apple is filing this suit to put an end to Samsung’s continued infringement."

In related news Apple has sought permission from the courts to sue Kodak over alleged patent infringement, even though the Eastman Kodak Company recently filed for bankruptcy protection.


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