By 16 October 2017 | Categories: news


Last week Friday saw Twitter users protest the social media platform and its recent suspension of actress Rose McGowan's account following the Harvey Weinstein's series of sexual harassment allegations. The company's CEO has taken note of the #WomenBoycottTwitter protest, with Jack Dorsey pledging to take a more aggressive stance on curbing the unwanted behaviour currently gripping Twitter. 

Dorsey posted a series of tweets over the weekend on the issue, recognising that the company has not done enough to update and properly enforce its policies. Consequently he added that, "new rules around: unwanted sexual advances, non-consensual nudity, hate symbols, violent groups, and tweets that glorifies violence." 

While Dorsey's acknowledgement of the issues facing the social media platform are a step in the right direction, how Twitter aims to actively police and filter out abusive users remains unclear for now. The company has already rolled out algorithms to target specific words that incite hate, but given how many such incidents still occur on the platform, there isn't much reason for optimism. 

With online abuse a growing problem, whether or not Twitter can actually tackle it, remains to be seen.


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