By 6 August 2015 | Categories: news


It has been a while since we had a good Star Wars game to fawn over, The Force Unleashed notwithstanding, but Star Wars: Battlefront looks truly promising. We first saw a theatrical trailer for the game at E3, and now we have a new gameplay trailer to dissect.

Said trailer showcases the Squadron Fighter mode that gamers will get stuck into when Battlefront releases on 17 November. As such, we get to see a typical interstellar fight between the Rebel Alliance and The Empire from both perspectives, as were taken inside the cockpit of a X-Wing and TIE Fighter.

According to EA, the Squadron Mode can cater up to 20 different players at once, with an almost unlimited amount of AI fighters capable of joining the action. Perhaps most exciting of all, gamers will be able to pilot the iconic Millennium Falcon, although the Kessel Run is an unconfirmed mode.

Click on the trailer below, and see what PS4, Xbox One and PC gamers will be able to enjoy, come 17 November. We've also added the theatrical trailer afterwards for good measure.    


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