By 6 August 2015 | Categories: news


Always look out for number one. Well, that and of course the family. After 2010’s Mafia II took us to 1940s/50s America, Mafia III has received a first trailer at Gamescom 2015, currently underway in Cologne, Germany. If the trailer is anything to go by, the storyline will again play a major part in the third instalment of the game.

Developed by 2K Hangar 13, the story involves Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam vet, who has a penchant for violence and Hendrix. It’s set in 1968 New Orleans, soon blood-soaked as Clay goes looking for revenge after his adopted family is brutally murdered.

As his monologue during the trailer continues, he delivers this gem: “Family ain’t who you’re born with, it’s who you’d die for.” Let’s just say that Clay and the Italians will not be sitting on the same pew in church soon.

Finally we’re also introduced to a group of characters, who we can only hope will be playable in this sandbox game.

The release is currently pegged at somewhere in 2016, coming on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Click the video below for Mafia III’s very cinematic trailer, while GamesRadar runs down the 7 things that shocked them about the game at the bottom.


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