New co-op resistance mode announced for Homefront: The Revolution

By Staff Writer 29 January 2016

If you enjoyed 2011’s Homefront, chances are you’ve got your eyes set on the new title, The Revolution and that you’ll like the latest announcement from publishers Deep Silver. A new Resistance Mode has been revealed,... FULL STORY >


7 Anime for Autumn

By Allen Simpson 29 April 2015

Allen Simpson from AnimeFanatika is back with a special report on some of the hottest new anime that's sure to keep the autumn chill away. There is a lot to choose from, so check out the list below (and trailers) to pick the ones that catches your anime fancy. FULL STORY >


Global Privacy Report reveals attitude towards apps

By Ryan Noik 26 February 2013

A new report has pointed out that privacy of one's data when using apps is paramount, particularly amongst South African users. FULL STORY >



By Johan Keyter 4 April 2011

We put on our stars and stripes bandanna and prepare to help defend America against invasion in THQ''s newest shooter. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The Old Republic edition

By Johan Keyter 18 March 2011

In part two of our gaming news round-up: Star Wars MMO, Crysis 2 PS3 beta pulled, Homefront releases and a new Portal 2 trailer. FULL STORY >


Homefront - The Interview

By Johan Keyter 18 March 2011

David Votypka, general manager at Kaos Studios and Frank DeLise, executive producer at THQ, gave us a brief introduction to the war-torn, post invasion battlefield of Homefront. FULL STORY >


Homefront preview

By Johan Keyter 15 March 2011

We take a sneak peek at the upcoming first person shooter Homefront, getting a feel for what it means to fight in an occupied country. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The PC edition

By Johan Keyter 4 March 2011

In part two of our weekly gaming news round-up, we check out DICE's Battlefield 3 PC plans, listen to the creator of Minecraft talk about piracy and welcome a new class to Guild Wars 2. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up Part 1 - The Skyrim edition

By Johan Keyter 11 February 2011

This week we split our gaming news round-up in two, part one looks at some delicious new Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim details, feels sorry for Kevin Butler and showcases the latest Homefront trailer. FULL STORY >


Kim Jong-il removed from Japanese Homefront

By Johan Keyter 8 February 2011

The Japanese game rating organisation has announced that Kim Jong-il as well as all mentions of North Korea will be removed from the country's version of upcoming shooter, Homefront. FULL STORY >

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