Quick Review - Logitech Z200 speakers

By Ryan Noik 17 February 2014

One of the biggest problems with mobile devices, such as notebooks and tablets, is that invariably the integrated speakers aren’t that big, and often, not that loud. Addressing this issue is Logitech’s Z200 speakers. FULL STORY >


Wi-Fi where art though? - Deep Fried Man

By Staff Writer 12 February 2014

After spending some time in the East, Deep Fried Man believes free wi-fi is not a privilege, it's a basic human right. FULL STORY >


Tech Horoscope - February 2014

By Staff Writer 11 February 2014

As above, so below – how will your tech month go? TechSmart's local astrologer stares at the stars, and stares some more.... FULL STORY >


Microsoft ad poignantly reminds about the value of technology

By Ryan Noik 4 February 2014

In the wake of this year’s Super Bowl which recently took place, there was a gem of an ad released by Microsoft reminding about the potentially profound value of technology to people’s lives. FULL STORY >


Technical Illusions take on Oculus Rift virtual reality

By Ryan Noik 2 February 2014

The latest Oculus Rift prototype virtual reality headset, Crystal Cove, may have wowed those attending this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, but they are certainly not the only virtual reality (VR) game in town. FULL STORY >


The Light of your Life

By Ryan Noik 30 January 2014

So you’re heading outdoors, and you’ve packed your firestarter, a decent blade, a GPS and, that other essential – a really good flashlight to pierce the gloom. Here are some of our picks. FULL STORY >


Seven Top Tech Trends for 2014

By Staff Writer 15 January 2014

Another year, another bunch of improvements on the technological front. So, what are the tech trends to look forward to in 2014? FULL STORY >


Deep Fried Tech - I'm with Stupid

By Staff Writer 8 January 2014

Deep Fried Man is forced to admit that his television might be smarter than him. FULL STORY >


Top 5 Tech News of 2013

By Ryan Noik 17 December 2013

The old Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times” certainly seems to have been in effect on the technology front this year, as boredom was kept far at bay. FULL STORY >


Top 5 Games of 2013

By Ryan Noik 10 December 2013

This year has been a terrific one for games, which a number of fantastic titles demanding players’ leisure time. It was a difficult process, but here, at last, our Top 5 for the year. FULL STORY >


Sony SmartWatch 2

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 December 2013

With the apparent dawn of the wearable tech age, we strap on Sony’s SmartWatch 2 to find out whether it is the cleverest of all the smartwatches. FULL STORY >


TechSmart SME advertisers - December 2013

By Staff Writer 4 December 2013

SME advertisers are the backbone of our magazine. For great service and decent prices, please support the following advertisers during December 2013. FULL STORY >


Tablets to slow to single-digit growth by 2017

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 December 2013

IDC asserts that tablet market growth will be slowing down during the next few years thanks to the growth of phablets and tablet saturation within developed markets. FULL STORY >


Deep Fried Tech - Don't Play Games with Me

By Staff Writer 3 December 2013

Not being into games may make most self-respecting geeks think less of you, but it does have its perks, writes Deep Fried Man. FULL STORY >


Android: Which version is on top - December 2013

By Hanleigh Daniels 3 December 2013

Google releases the latest Android usage info revealing which version of the mobile platform is used most on user's mobile devices. FULL STORY >

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Technological breakthroughs (28 votes)
Launch of new consoles, or notebooks (14 votes)
Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
Biotechnology or medical advancements (21 votes)
Better business applications (132 votes)