Deloitte gazes into the crystal ball to see what lies ahead in Tech

By Staff Writer 15 February 2022

Computer chips will remain in short supply this year into the next, although not as acutely as in 2021, while video subscription services will see 150 million subscriptions cancelled worldwide. Oh yes, and the gaming console... FULL STORY >


Metro Exodus - DLC going forward revealed

By Staff Writer 23 May 2019

If you’re wondering what is happening in regard to DLC, Deep Silver and 4A Games have revealed the details of the downloadable content for the Expansion Pass. FULL STORY >


Plenty life left in the PS4, confirms Sony

By Staff Writer 6 July 2018

There is still several years life left in the PS4, as the PS5 is still three years away, confirms Sony. FULL STORY >


Top 5 Gadgets of 2017

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 December 2017

Sometimes useful, and often weird and wonderful, a good gadget can prove handy when needed. Here are the Top 5 we encountered in 2017. FULL STORY >


New NES Classic Edition coming with 30 games

By Staff Writer 15 July 2016

Nintendo seems to be having not so much a field day, as perhaps a field week. After the massive success of Pokémon Go, comes news of the re-release of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), albeit in much smaller form. FULL STORY >


Rumours say slimmer Xbox One on the way, with full upgrade in 2017

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 May 2016

With the PS4 NEO reportedly on the way, Microsoft's next-gen console has some rumoured new iterations in the works. FULL STORY >


Dishonored Definitive Edition returns to Dunwall as launch trailer surfaces

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 August 2015

One of the better Steampunk-inspired first-person games in recent years, gamers can now return to the city of Dunwall in Dishonored Definitive Edition. FULL STORY >


Two new Mega Packs announced for PS Vita

By Ryan Noik 21 August 2015

One of our favourite, underrated portable consoles is receiving some love, as two new mega packs have been announced for the PS Vita. FULL STORY >


Darth Vader PS4 coming

By Staff Writer 17 August 2015

More Star Wars news today emerging from Disney’s D23 Expo, held over the weekend at the Anaheim Convention Centre in the States, is that PS4 is getting a Star Wars makeover. FULL STORY >


More gaming gems announced from Sony

By Ryan Noik 17 June 2015

Along with the heavy-hitter announcements there were a few other gems to emerge from Sony’s press conference at E3 namely Horizon Zero Dawn and Dreams. FULL STORY >


Sony releases new best of PS4 video

By Ryan Noik 22 May 2015

Sony has released a new best of games trailer for the PS4. FULL STORY >


New video for Farming Sim 15 collective farming released

By Staff Writer 8 May 2015

A new video has just been released showing off the online cooperative multiplayer mode for the PS4 and Xbox One, a first for Farming Simulator on consoles. FULL STORY >


This is The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited! video series comes online

By Staff Writer 8 May 2015

In anticipation for the console launch, Bethesda has started a new video series: This is The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited!, with the first video Freedom and Choice in Tamriel popping up on YouTube. FULL STORY >


PS4 receives a time sensitive price drop

By Ryan Noik 28 April 2015

Ster Kinekor Entertainment has announced a R700 price cut across all its PS4 bundles and standalone consoles. FULL STORY >


Star Ocean 5 sails onto next gen console

By Ryan Noik 17 April 2015

Square Enix’s Star Ocean 5 will also be released on Sony’s next gen console, the PS4, it has been confirmed. FULL STORY >

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